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A stenotherm is a species or living organism only capable of living or surviving within a narrow temperature range. This type of temperature specialization is often seen in organisms that live in environments where the temperature is relatively... Wikipedia
A stenotherm is a species or living organism only capable of living or surviving within a narrow temperature range. This type of temperature specialization ...
The meaning of STENOTHERMY is the quality or state of being stenothermal.
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The meaning of STENOTHERMAL is capable of surviving over only a narrow range of temperatures. How to use stenothermal in a sentence.
stenotherm (plural stenotherms). (biology) An organism, often specifically an ectotherm, that functions only within a narrow temperature range ...
May 8, 2015 · In contrast to eurytherms, senothermic fish can only function in a narrow range of water temperatures. Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), ...
adjective (of animals or plants) able to exist only within a narrow range of temperature Compare eurythermal
During the development of larvae of Callitroga macellaria the rate of metabolism and the resistance against heat and low oxygen pressure was examined.
An organism that is only able to live within a narrow parameter of temperatures.... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.
During the development of larvae of Callitroga macellaria the rate of metabolism and the resistance against heat and low oxygen pressure was examined.
Adjectif qualifiant les organismes ne tolérant que des variations de température de faible amplitude autour des valeurs moyennes, à l'opposé d'eurytherme.