In this paper, we present TamiFlex, a tool chain that offers a partial but often effective solution to these problems.
With TamiFlex, programmers can use existing static-analysis tools to produce results that are sound at least with respect to a set of recorded program runs.
May 21, 2011 · ABSTRACT. Static program analyses and transformations for Java face many problems when analyzing programs that use reflection.
In this paper, we present TamiFlex, a tool chain that offers a partial but often effective solution to these problems.
Static program analyses and transformations for Java face many problems when analyzing programs that use reflection or custom class loaders: How can a ...
Static program analyses and transformations for Java face many problems when analyzing programs that use reflection or custom class loaders: How can a ...
Mar 25, 2010 · In this paper we present TamiFlex, a tool set for taming reflection. TamiFlex consists of two novel instrumentation agents. The Play-out Agent ...
Taming reflection: Aiding static analysis in the presence of reflection and custom class loaders. ICSE, 2011. ICSE 2011 · DBLP · Scholar · DOI. Full names
Taming reflection: Aiding static analysis in the presence of reflection and custom class loaders. E Bodden, A Sewe, J Sinschek, H Oueslati, M Mezini.
Bibliographic details on Taming reflection: Aiding static analysis in the presence of reflection and custom class loaders.