Abstract A typestate property describes which operations are available on an object or a group of inter-related objects,.
Dec 5, 2010 · We present Clara, a novel framework that makes these approaches compatible. With Clara, researchers in static analysis can easily implement ...
We present Clara, a novel static-analysis framework for the implementation of hybrid static/dynamic typestate analyses. Clara uses static typestate analyses ...
We present Clara, a novel framework that makes these approaches compatible. With Clara, researchers in static analysis can easily implement powerful typestate ...
Dec 5, 2010 · Abstract A typestate property describes which operations are available on an object or a group of inter-related objects,.
Bodden, E.: Efficient hybrid typestate analysis by determining continuation- equivalent states. In: ICSE '10: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International.
Clara (CompiLe-time Approximation of Runtime Analyses) is a research framework for the implementation of hybrid typestate analyses, which use static ...
... Analyses), a novel framework for the implementation of hybrid typestate analyses. A hybrid typestate analysis is essentially a static analysis that attempts ...
We proved our analysis correct, implemented the analysis in the Clara framework for typestate analysis, and applied it to the DaCapo benchmark suite. In ...