The brewing industry has recently experienced increased merger activity. This paper analyzes the short- term wealth effects of horizontal mergers and ...
Jan 29, 2013 · This paper analyzes the shortterm wealth effects of horizontal mergers and acquisitions on acquirers in the brewing industry.
The brewing industry has recently experienced increased merger activity. This paper analyzes the shortterm wealth effects of horizontal mergers and ...
This paper analyzes the shortterm wealth effects of horizontal mergers and acquisitions on acquirers in the brewing industry. Based on a sample of 69 takeover ...
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This paper analyzes the shortterm wealth effects of horizontal mergers and acquisitions on acquirers in the brewing industry. Based on a sample of 69 takeover ...
The Consolidation of the Global Brewing Industry and Wealth. Effects from Mergers and Acquisitions. The International Journal of Business and Finance Research,.
In an extensive study, it was found that in nearly every industry three or four companies emerge as dominant players, controlling roughly ¾ of the global ...
The first two studies investigate the short and long-term share price reactions of acquirer and rival companies. The third study assesses the immediate impact ...
This publication analyzes three individual corporate finance-related research topics on mergers and acquisitions in the global brewing industry.
Missing: Consolidation Wealth
The increasing concentration has been caused by mergers and acquisitions rather than by organic growth, and consolidation is likely to continue, if at a ...