The leapfrog scheme is a commonly used second-order difference scheme for solving differential equations. If Z(t) denotes the state of a system at a ...
The leapfrog scheme is a commonly used second-order di erence scheme for solving di erential equations. If Z(t) denotes the state of the system at time.
In this article, we show how the associativity of the chain rule of differential calculus can be used to compute a so-called adjoint x T Delta (dZ(t)=d[Z(0);W ]) ...
The leapfrog scheme is a commonly used second-order difference scheme for solv- ing differential equations. If Z(t) denotes the state of a system at a ...
Time-Parallel Computation of Pseudo-Adjoints for a Leapfrog Scheme · Area Oceanography · Published in. International Journal of High Speed Computing · Year 2004.
Motivation: • Finite Differenzen, Leapfrog Schemata. • Shallow Water Modell-Gleichungen. • Tranformation zu N-dimensionalen Zeit-abhängigen Systemen.
The leapfrog scheme is a commonly used second-order difference scheme for solving differential equations. If Z(t) denotes the state of a system at a ...
Bibliographic details on Time-Parallel Computation of Pseudo-Adjoints for a Leapfrog Scheme.
Time-parallel computation of pseudo-adjoints for a leapfrog scheme. Bischof, Christian; Bücker, Hans; Wu, Po-Ting. Singapore [u.a.] : World Scientific Publ.
Time-Parallel Computation of Pseudo-Adjoints for a Leapfrog Scheme by CHRISTIAN H. BISCHOF, H. MARTIN BÜCKER, PO-TING WU published in International.