Key words: overlapping genes, clustering, BLAST analysis ... In this feasibil- ity study, we restricted ourselves to viral genomes sequenced until May 2008.
Overlapping genes (encoded on the same DNA strand but in dierent frames) are thought to be rare and, therefore, were largely neglected in the past.
Overlapping genes (encoded on the same DNA locus but in different frames) are thought to be rare and, therefore, were largely neglected in the past.
Our results show that this approach achieves a significant speed-up while retaining a high quality of the results (>99% precision compared to single queries) ...
Towards Automatic Detecting of Overlapping Genes - Clustered BLAST Analysis of Viral Genomes. · Full text.
Overlapping genes (encoded on the same DNA locus but in different frames) are thought to be rare and, therefore, were largely neglected in the past.
Our results show that this approach achieves a significant speed-up while retaining a high quality of the results (>99% precision compared to single queries) ...
Towards Automatic Detecting of Overlapping Genes - Clustered BLAST Analysis of Viral Genomes. K. Neuhaus, D. Oelke, D. Fürst, S. Scherer, D. A. Keim.
Towards automatic detecting of overlapping genes :clustered BLAST analysis of viral genomes. This item is provided and maintained by German National Library.
Jan 28, 2013 · Towards Automatic Detecting of Overlapping Genes - Clustered BLAST Analysis of Viral Genomes. Neuhaus, Klaus (Author) ; Oelke, Daniela ...