
Southern catalpa

Catalpa bignonioides is a short-lived species of Catalpa that is native to the southeastern United States in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Common names include southern catalpa, cigartree, and Indian bean tree It is... Wikipedia
Scientific name: Catalpa bignonioides
Family: Bignoniaceae
Hardiness zone: Zones 5–9
Genus: Catalpa
Kingdom: Plantae

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Der Gewöhnliche Trompetenbaum (Catalpa bignonioides) ist ein Laubbaum aus der Familie der Trompetenbaumgewächse (Bignoniaceae).
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Wuchs: Kleiner Baum, dicht verzweigt, breit-gewölbte bis kugelförmige Krone, 4 bis 7 m hoch und ähnlich breit Wuchshöhe: 4 - 7 m Blatt: Herzförmig, ...
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Catalpa bignonioides, commonly called Southern catalpa, is a medium-sized, deciduous tree that typically grows to 30-40' (less frequently to 60') tall with an ...
DeclensionTrompetenbaum is a masculine noun. Remember that, in German, both the spelling of the word and the article preceding the word can change depending ...
Category, German, English. General. 1, General, Trompetenbaum · snake-wood. Botany. 2, Botany, Trompetenbaum [m], trumpet tree. 3, Botany, Trompetenbaum [m] ...