Network analyses of mutualistic or antagonistic interactions between species are very popular, but their biological interpretations are often unclear and ...
Differences in researchers' understanding of network concepts are common and may be leading to a lack of depth in explanations of ecological phenomena (Blüthgen ...
Network analyses of mutualistic or antagonistic interactions between species are very popular, but their biological interpretations are often unclear and ...
May 1, 2010 · Why network analysis is often disconnected from community ecology: A critique and an ecologist's guide · 359 Citations · 42 References.
People also ask
What is network analysis ecology?
Ecological network analysis (ENA) is a systems-oriented methodology to analyze within system interactions used to identify holistic properties that are otherwise not evident from the direct observations.
What is the network theory in ecology?
Ecological network theory currently provides the tools for helping to predict invasive species' ecological impacts on three levels: the invader's impact on individual native species success (i.e., biomass production, fitness, and population size), network stability, and ecosystem functioning.
What is the importance of ecological networks?
Ecological connectivity sustains species, ecosystems and human livelihoods. The Convention on Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) defines ecological connectivity as “the unimpeded movement of species and the flow of natural processes that sustain life on Earth”.
What is the concept of community and continuum in ecology?
The community-unit hypothesis describes ecological communities as distinct and repeatable entities, whereas the individualistic-continuum theory represents communities as idiosyncratic assemblages within a continuum of independently distributed species that track environmental gradients and reflect chance events of ...
Why network analysis is often disconnected from community ecology: a critique and an ecologist's guide. N Blüthgen. Basic and Applied Ecology 11 (3), 185-195, ...
Dec 15, 2016 · (2010) Why network analysis is often disconnected from community ecology: a critique and an ecologist's guide. Basic and Applied Ecology, 11, ...
Apr 3, 2023 · Why network analysis is often disconnected from community ecology: A critique and an ecologist's guide. Basic Appl Ecol. 2010;11(3):185–195 ...
Ecological networks are a useful tool to study the complexity of biotic interactions at a community level. We introduce a framework for network analysis to.
Today, food-web ecologists and network ecologists are still two largely separate scientific communities, with different data, methods, aims, and interpretations ...
Jul 2, 2022 · Why network analysis is often disconnected from community ecology: A critique and an ecologist's guide. Basic and Applied Ecology 11:185–195.