Rucola is an intimate Northern Italian restaurant on a historic corner in Boerum Hill Brooklyn.
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(1,155) Italian restaurant
Farm-to-table Northern Italian fare is served all day in this compact, lumber-lined restaurant.
Address: 190 Dean St, Brooklyn, NY 11217
Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 10:30 PM
Phone: (718) 576-3209
$4.50 In stock
Rucola is a slower growing, spicier relative of the more common cultivated arugula. Deeply lobed leaves grow in tight rosettes to about 6” in height.
Rocket, eruca, or arugula is an edible annual plant in the family Brassicaceae used as a leaf vegetable for its fresh, tart, bitter, and peppery flavor.
Jun 13, 2014 · Rucola leaves are fragrant when plucked fresh or crushed but is not peppery in taste and stays the same in young as well as mature plant..
Rustic Italian-inspired restaurant in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn. Sister to @rhodora_wine_bar @junewinebk @purslanenyc @anaiswinebk @clara_uws
Product Description: The Mad in Italy UP collection is characterized by styles with irridescent fronts that give off mirror, multicolor and 3D effects.