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Look up the German to English translation of Stenographie in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation ...
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What is stenographie in english?
What is the meaning of stenographer?
a method of writing rapidly, using strokes, dots etc to represent sounds. She took down the minutes of the meeting in shorthand.
Moderne Stenografiesysteme sind ihrem Wesen nach Buchstabenschriften. Sie enthalten aber auch Elemente aus der Silbenschrift sowie Zeichen für ganze Wörter („ ...
STENOGRAPHIE - Translation in English - bab.la
en.bab.la › dictionary › german-english › stenographie
Find all translations of Stenographie in English like shorthand, stenography, stenographer and many others.
First of all, the individual verb forms of the verb stenographieren must be created in order to find them in the letter grid. The reverse way is also possible.
Steno [der (der) Steno, der Steno; —, die Stenos] Substantiv [ˈʃteˌno] ... stenographieren [stenographierte; ist stenographiert] Verb. stenograph
stenografieren ; Indikativ Präsens. ich stenografiere. du stenografierst ; Präteritum. ich stenografierte. du stenografiertest ; Futur. ich werde stenografieren.
Many translated example sentences containing "Stenographieren" – English-German dictionary and search engine for English translations.
7 days ago · feminine noun shorthand (Brit) ⧫ stenography (USA) prendre en sténographie to take down in shorthand.