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Tomatoes, red, ripe, raw, year round average ; Magnesium, Mg, 11, mg ; Phosphorus, P · 24, mg ; Potassium, K · 237, mg ; Sodium, Na, 5, mg ...
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Tomatoes have a relatively high potassium requirement. There is usually 5.2 to 7.2lb of K taken into the plant for every tonne of tomato harvested.
Die Versorgung mit Mineralien wie Kalium hat einen großen Einfluss auf Wachstum und Ertrag von Pflanzen, so auch bei Tomaten. Wenig untersucht ist, welche ...
Tomatoes are a good source of lycopene, beta carotene/vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. The amount of potassium you can have each day will depend ...
Calcium, Ca (mg). 14.9. Iron, Fe (mg). 0.4. Magnesium, Mg (mg). 16.39. Phosphorus, P (mg). 35.76. Potassium, K (mg). 353.13. Sodium, Na (mg). 7.45. Zinc, Zn (mg).
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Jan 12, 2023 · Growing great tomatoes that are full flavored and have low losses in the packing house requires keeping tissue potassium levels above 3%. From ...
Table 2Potassium content of selected foods per 100 grams and for common measures ; Strawberries, fresh, 1 cup, 230, 153 ; Tomato, fresh, ½ medium, 158, 287 ...
Potassium is an essential element for growing tomatoes. It improves the synthesis of Lycopene and therefore its concentration in tomatoes. Indeed, the potassium ...
Tomatoes, cooked, ripe, red contains 43 calories per 240 g serving. This serving contains 0.3 g of fat, 2.3 g of protein and 9.6 g of carbohydrate.
Der hohe Nährwert von Tomaten ergibt sich vor allem aus dem hohen Kaliumgehalt. Je 100 Gramm Tomaten nimmt der Körper fast 300 Milligramm Kalium auf. Kalium ...