With the ambition to assess the current situation of sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism, many researchers, experts and other ...
ECPAT International 2016, Offenders on the Move: Global Study on sexual ... ecpat.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Offenders-on-the-move-Global- · Study-on ...
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The European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation. (EMA) is a one-year intensive programme launched in 1997 as a joint.
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La presente opera è finanziata ed elaborata nell'ambito della ricerca – project granted by Europe- an Commission, Grant decision n.
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The thesis examines the contribution as well as the interaction of international human rights, humanitarian, refugee, labour, criminal laws in protecting ...
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La legge 22 aprile 1941 sulla protezione del diritto d'Autore, modificata dalla legge 18 agosto 2000, tutela la proprietà intellettuale e i diritti connessi al ...
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La complicata normativa sulla cittadinanza fa velo, peraltro, a reali que- stioni legate all'integrazione e all'appartenenza, al legame con la terra d'o ...
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This report undertakes a systematic review of the main sub-sectors of maritime and coastal tourism around world marine regions.
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