La Strada Ukraine was the first organisation in Ukraine to work on human trafficking. The main focuses' of La Strada Ukraine are: Information Campaigns: ...
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As a joint effort among organisations supporting Sex Workers rights, GAATW submitted a statement for the 56th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. As ...
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The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) is an Alliance of more than 90 non-governmental organisations from Africa, Asia, Europe, LAC and North ...
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La Strada Ukraine is a public human rights organisation working to ensure gender equality, peace building, prevention of gender-based violence.
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Find out more about the NGO La Strada International and it's european platform that fights against the trafficking of human beings.
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La Strada International focuses on international networking, lobby and advocacy and public relations on behalf of the member organisations as well as producing ...
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Since 2013, the public organization "La Strada-Ukraine" has been providing the only national hotline for children and youth in Ukraine. Children, teenagers and ...
This is the website of GAATW - the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women - a network of over 80 organisations worldwide, ...
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