La Strada Poland was one of the founding members of the La Strada network in 1995. The Foundation was created in February and registered in September 1996. In ...
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As a joint effort among organisations supporting Sex Workers rights, GAATW submitted a statement for the 56th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. As ...
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La Strada Poland was one of the founding members of the La Strada network in 1995. The Foundation was created in February and registered in September 1996. In ...
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La Strada Poland is an independent Polish organisation which has been in existence since 1995. Involved in the prevention of human trafficking.
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Find out more about the NGO La Strada International and it's european platform that fights against the trafficking of human beings.
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La Strada International focuses on international networking, lobby and advocacy and public relations on behalf of the member organisations as well as producing ...
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This is the website of GAATW - the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women - a network of over 80 organisations worldwide, ...
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Rating (9)
La Strada International, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2603 likes · 13 talking about this · 21 were here. A European NGO Platform against trafficking in human...