La Strada International focuses on international networking, lobby and advocacy and public relations on behalf of the member organisations as well as producing ...
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The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) is an Alliance of more than 90 non-governmental organisations from Africa, Asia, Europe, LAC and North ...
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La Strada International focuses on international networking, lobby and advocacy and public relations on behalf of the member organisations as well as producing ...
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Find out more about the NGO La Strada International and it's european platform that fights against the trafficking of human beings.
Missing: q= https:// gaatw. 125- membership/ 524- secretariat
Currently La Strada International has 33 members (26 full members and 7 associate members) in 24 European countries. See here an overview of the Help and ...
Missing: q= gaatw. 125- 524- secretariat
This is the website of GAATW - the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women - a network of over 80 organisations worldwide, ...
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La Strada International (LSI) is an international NGO network addressing the trafficking of persons in Europe. La Strada International. Abbreviation, LSI.
La Strada Poland was one of the founding members of the La Strada network in 1995. The Foundation was created in February and registered in September 1996. In ...
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