La Strada International focuses on international networking, lobby and advocacy and public relations on behalf of the member organisations as well as producing ...
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The Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW) is an Alliance of more than 90 non-governmental organisations from Africa, Asia, Europe, LAC and North ...
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La Strada International focuses on international networking, lobby and advocacy and public relations on behalf of the member organisations as well as producing ...
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Find out more about the NGO La Strada International and it's european platform that fights against the trafficking of human beings.
Missing: q= https:// gaatw. 125- membership/ 524- secretariat
Currently La Strada International has 33 members (26 full members and 7 associate members) in 24 European countries. See here an overview of the Help and ...
Missing: q= gaatw. 125- 524- secretariat
This is the website of GAATW - the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women - a network of over 80 organisations worldwide, ...
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La Strada (LSI) was launched in 1995 as a result of a trilateral anti-trafficking project. By 2001, it had grown into a network of nine members, all based in ...
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People also ask
La Strada International (LSI) is an international NGO network addressing the trafficking of persons in Europe. La Strada International. Abbreviation, LSI.