Since 2013, the public organization "La Strada-Ukraine" has been providing the only national hotline for children and youth in Ukraine. Children, teenagers and ...
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La Strada Ukraine is a public human rights organisation working to ensure gender equality, peace building, prevention of gender-based violence.
Missing: q= garyachi- liniyi
Національна гаряча лінія з попередження домашнього насильства, торгівлі людьми та ґендерної дискримінації · 0 800 500 335 · 116 123 ...
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Find out more about the NGO La Strada International and it's european platform that fights against the trafficking of human beings.
Missing: q= garyachi- liniyi
La Strada was established in 1997, focusing on three main issues: domestic violence, human trafficking and gender discrimination.
Missing: mobile/ q= garyachi- liniyi
La Strada Ukraine was the first organisation in Ukraine to work on human trafficking. The main focuses' of La Strada Ukraine are: Information Campaigns: ...
Missing: mobile/ q= https:// garyachi- liniyi
For hours and schedule please look at our social media posts on Instagram or Facebook. (727) 275-0497 lastradaexpress@gmail.com
Missing: q= org. ua/ garyachi- liniyi
For the National Hotline for children and youth, you can call either 0 800 500 225 or the toll-free short number 116 111, available on all mobile phones.
Missing: url? q= garyachi- liniyi
See: https://la-strada.org.ua/garyachi-liniyi. 54. See www.la-strada.org.ua, accessed 28 November 2016. Page 29. Ukraine ▻ Page 27. Also, the number calls in ...