The German Network and Coordination Office Against Trafficking In Human Beings or KOK is a registered non-profit organisation. The organisation engages on a ...
Missing: q= der- fachberatungsstellensuche/ detailansicht? tx_ksaddress_address% 5Baction% 5D= show&tx_ksaddress_address% 5Baddress% 1744&tx_ksaddress_address% 5Bcontroller% Address&cHash= 4a40833f9e443d7eeb00635c238666dd
Find out more about the NGO La Strada International and it's european platform that fights against the trafficking of human beings.
Missing: q= https:// kok- gegen- menschenhandel. der- kok/ fachberatungsstellensuche/ detailansicht? tx_ksaddress_address% 5Baction% 5D= show&tx_ksaddress_address% 5Baddress% 1744&tx_ksaddress_address% 5Bcontroller% Address&cHash= 4a40833f9e443d7eeb00635c238666dd