La Strada International submission – Input for report of the SR on slavery to the. 77th session of the GA on contemporary forms of slavery in the informal.
Missing: mobile/ url? q=
Informal workers who are victims of human rights violations, including contemporary forms of slavery, can file complaints before three State bodies responsible ...
Missing: la strada url? La- Strada.
La Strada International advocates for the rights of trafficked persons, as well as those vulnerable for exploitation and trafficking.
Missing: q= https:// ohchr. sites/ slavery/ sr/ cfis/ submissions/ Submission- pdf
May 30, 2023 · Today Anti-Slavery International and La Strada International are ... For more information visit https://antislavery.org. La Strada ...
Missing: q= ohchr. sites/ files/ issues/ sr/ cfis/ informaleconomy/ submissions/ Submission- pdf
Protocol that refers to all form of labour exploitation and slavery like practises was adopted, very much seen as (exclusively) connected to the sex ...
Missing: mobile/ url? q= https:// ohchr. sites/ files/ documents/ sr/ cfis/ submissions/ Submission-
celebrations marking the 200th anniversary of the end of the transatlantic slave trade, all the while forgetting that individuals remain in bondage around ...
Missing: strada mobile/ cfis/ Strada.
Apr 5, 2024 · The organisations where we work, Anti-Slavery International and La Strada. International, encourage all businesses operating in areas hosting ...
Missing: cfis/ | Show results with:cfis/
Aug 4, 2020 · 3 For both the call for submissions and the submissions themselves, see ww.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Slavery/SRSlavery/Pages/callCovid19.aspx. 4 ...
Missing: strada url? q= cfis/ Strada.