Hinomaru Illumination - Modern Japanese
1910 - Present
By: Yaragi Yukinori
“ This is an installation piece. On the floor are multiple figurines who seem to be saluting a video screen. On the video screen is an image of Japan’s flag. The figures used...

Hinomaru Illumination - Modern Japanese

1910 - Present

By: Yaragi Yukinori

This is an installation piece. On the floor are multiple figurines who seem to be saluting a video screen. On the video screen is an image of Japan’s flag. The figures used are reproductions of Haniwa figures from the Mound Tomb in Sakai, Japan. The old Japan and the new Japan are being contrasted but also compared. 

japanese modern japanese japanese art japanese installation modern japanese art modern japanese installation hinomaru illumination yanagi yukinori art art history non-western art non-western art history modern art modern art history

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