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forchetta translation | Italian-English dictionary

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   sf   fork,   (Statistica)   range  
essere una buona forchetta      to enjoy one's food, be a big eater  
Translation Italian - English Collins Dictionary  
Context"forchetta": examples and translations in context
Mangiava il gelato con la forchetta. She'd eat her ice cream with a fork.
Non sapeva neanche usare coltello e forchetta. Didn't even know how to use a knife and fork.
È sempre stato un'ottima forchetta. He had always been such a good eater.
Schiacciare con una forchetta e lasciare raffreddare. Squash with a fork and put aside to cool.
Controllatela, ficcando una forchetta nel pesce. Check it by sticking a fork into the fish.
Lama, forchetta e cucchiaio in acciaio. Stainless clip blade, fork with bottle opener, and spoon.
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