Aline Baiana, participant of the 11th Berlin Biennale, washing a stone (copper ore) that will be part of her installation “The Cross of the South” (2020) on view at Gropius Bau. “Aline Baiana’s installation replicates the constellation employing five stones from which iron ore, manganese ore, copper ore, gold, and ornamental stone are typically extracted. These minerals are emblematic of the massive mining industry that has developed in Brazil since the beginning of colonization. … Mining is one of the major industries in the Brazilian economy, having disastrous consequences for the environment and the Indigenous peoples who have lived on these lands since pre-colonial times. The 2019 Brumadinho dam break is one catastrophic example among countless others. Baiana’s work highlights the collective trauma and environmental impact of the enduring crimes of colonization.” Quoted from the text written by Vanina Saracino for the guidebook of the 11th Berlin Biennale. #berlinbiennale11 #epilogue #bb11participants #bb11gropiusbau #alinebaiana @dalinebaiana #decoloniality #brumadinho #extractivism #extractivismo #ecotrauma #brazil #theamazon #climatejustice