Marcos Lopez

Marcos Lopez

Massage Therapist

Marcos attended the School of Holistic Massage and Reflexology, and he has chosen to be a massage therapist because he believes this professional path allows him to meet many different people every day, all of whom he can provide help for a better life. Ask Marcos about what has the greatest effect and health and he will say, “Health is balance of the whole person to include thoughts, emotions, diet and exercise. If one area is weak, it will affect the rest. Live as close as you can to the natural way.”

What makes Marcos unique in his field? He is extremely sensitive to peoples’ needs and he is able to sense the body in a way that lets him feel different layers of tissue rather than just working with a surface approach. That way, he can know better where areas are blocked and need to be unblocked. Marcos meets his patients where they are on a particular day, and then creates progress that doesn’t push too far, but moves in the right direction toward ultimate health.

Practicing what he preaches around holistic wellness, Marcos has taught meditation classes and he supports causes that promote peace. Your experience with Marcos around his services is bound to put you in a better state of body, mind and spirit.

Marco's Thoughts on Health