Luís Feito López (Madrid 1929)

Choosing the Best CBD Oil for Your Canine

There are a few factors to consider. Here’s what you need to know:

Look for organic, full-spectrum CBD oil without additives or artificial ingredients.

Opting for organic CBD oil ensures that it is derived from cannabis plants grown without the use of pesticides or harmful chemicals. Full-spectrum CBD oil contains a wide range of cannabinoids, including THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which works synergistically with other cannabinoids to enhance the therapeutic effects. Avoid products with additives or artificial ingredients, as these may not be beneficial and could potentially harm your dog’s health.

Consider the extraction method used to ensure high-quality oil.

The extraction method plays a crucial role in determining the quality of CBD oil. CO2 extraction is considered one of the best methods as it uses carbon dioxide under high pressure and low temperatures to extract cannabinoids from the plant material. This process preserves the integrity of the cannabinoids and ensures a pure and potent final product. Stay away from oils extracted using solvents like butane or propane, as they may leave behind harmful residues.

Check if the product has undergone third-party lab testing for potency and purity.

To ensure that you’re getting a safe and effective product, look for CBD oils that have been tested by third-party laboratories. These tests verify the potency and purity of the oil, ensuring that it contains the advertised amount of cannabinoids and is free from contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, and residual solvents. The lab reports should be readily available on the manufacturer’s website or upon request.

Opt for CBD oils specifically formulated for dogs to ensure appropriate dosing.

While humans can consume CBD oil designed for pets, it’s always best to choose products specifically formulated for dogs. These formulations take into account their body weight and metabolism, ensuring accurate dosing recommendations. Dog-specific CBD oils often come in flavors that appeal to canines, making it easier to administer the oil orally. Remember, dogs have different cannabinoid receptors and may require lower doses compared to humans.

When shopping for CBD oil for your dog, keep these factors in mind to make an informed decision. Look for organic, full-spectrum oils without additives or artificial ingredients. Consider the extraction method used and opt for CO2 extraction whenever possible. Check if the product has undergone third-party lab testing for potency and purity. Lastly, choose CBD oils specifically formulated for dogs to ensure appropriate dosing.

By following these guidelines, you can provide your furry friend with the best possible CBD oil experience, promoting their overall well-being and supporting their health.

Top 10 OTC Phentermine Alternatives: 2023 Update

ooking to shed those extra pounds but don’t want to deal with the hassle of a prescription? In this post, we’ll explore the world of non-prescription alternatives to Phentermine, offering effective solutions for your weight loss journey. Say goodbye to strict schedules and doctor visits, and embrace over-the-counter options that can help you achieve your goals.

With these OTC Phentermine alternatives, you can take control of your appetite without compromising your health. Discover a range of products formulated to support appetite control, boost metabolism, and target excess fat. Whether you’re following a specific diet plan or incorporating an exercise routine into your lifestyle, these alternatives offer a convenient way to manage your calorie intake and achieve sustainable weight loss.

Legal and Safe OTC Phentermine Alternatives

Explore weight loss options

Looking for effective ways to shed those extra pounds? You’re not alone! Many individuals are seeking alternatives to Phentermine, a prescription medication commonly used for weight loss.

Approved by regulatory authorities

Safety should always be a top priority. That’s why it’s crucial to choose OTC products that have been approved by regulatory authorities. These alternatives undergo rigorous testing to ensure their effectiveness and safety for consumption. By opting for these approved options, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are using legitimate and reliable products.

Formulated with natural ingredients

Unlike prescription medications, OTC phentermine alternatives often contain natural ingredients. These formulations harness the power of nature to support healthy weight management without the need for a prescription. Natural ingredients such as green tea extract, caffeine, and cayenne pepper have been shown to boost metabolism, suppress appetite, and increase fat burning. By incorporating these natural compounds into their formulas, these supplements offer a safer approach to weight loss.

Prioritizing your health

When choosing an alternative to phentermine, it is essential to prioritize your health above everything else. While the desire for quick results may be tempting, it is crucial not to compromise your well-being in the process. Opting for legal and safe OTC alternatives ensures that you are taking care of your body while working towards your weight loss goals.


No prescription required: Unlike phentermine which requires a doctor’s prescription, OTC alternatives can be purchased without any medical authorization.

Convenience: OTC options are easily accessible at pharmacies or online retailers.

Fewer side effects: Prescription medications like phentermine may come with potential side effects, whereas OTC alternatives formulated with natural ingredients tend to have fewer adverse effects.

Cost-effective: OTC alternatives are generally more affordable than prescription medications.


Varied effectiveness: OTC alternatives may vary in their effectiveness from person to person, as individual responses can differ.

Patience required: Results may take longer to achieve compared to prescription medications, so it’s important to maintain consistency and patience while using OTC alternatives.

– Sin Título.

Dibujo a tinta china, 22 x 27,5 cm. Firmado y fechado en 1965.

Feito se formó en la Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, donde ingresó en 1950. Seis años más tarde, estudiando en París, recibió la influencia del automatismo y de la pintura matérica; por lo que trabajó con pasta de óleo y arena, dentro de una paleta de colores basada en los negros, blancos y ocres. La mayoría de sus obras carecen de título, y son reconocidas a través de una numeración.
En 1957 fundó el grupo El Paso, junto a los pintores: Manolo Millares, Antonio Saura y Rafael Canogar, y a los escritores Manuel Conde y José Ayllón.
A lo largo de su trayectoria obtuvo diversos galardones, como: el Premio de la UNAM en la Primera Bienal de París (1959), el Premio David Bright en la XXX Bienal de Venecia.
En 1998 obtuvo la Medalla de Oro de Bellas Artes; y fue nombrado miembro de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando.