Culture + Lifestyle

Bright Prospects: Kasper Sonne

The artist’s visionary, monochromatic canvases are creating buzz in the art world
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Each hauntingly lyrical painting by this New York–based Danish visionary begins as a mono­chromatic canvas. Some he sets on fire, guiding the flames to leave graphic voids; others he douses with chemicals to tease out apparitional abstractions from the pigments. Sonne is in such high demand that there’s been an 80-person waiting list for his pieces at his New York gallery, the Hole. “When I first saw his works I found them beautiful, with an edge of something darker,” says collector Robert Suss, an early patron. “It’s that juxtaposition of creation and destruction—knowing something has been damaged while maintaining something mesmerizing.” Next up for Sonne is a 2015 solo show at Galerie Jeanroch Dard’s buzzy new Brussels space.

Kasper Sonne is represented by the Hole, New York,