Photo Credit: Sean Kawamoto

Photo Credit: Sean Kawamoto

ARTIST'S HOUSE: Who is Kellie-Anne Poirier?

KELLIE-ANNE POIRIER: I’m a 15 year old singer/songwriter. I was born in Canada, moved to Dubai when I was 6, and I’m now in NYC.

ARTIST'S HOUSE: How did you start your journey with music?

KELLIE-ANNE POIRIER: I was interested by the guitar, so my parents gave me a season of guitar lessons. While I was accompanying myself while playing, my teacher thought I had a unique tone to my voice and encouraged me to start singing.

ARTIST'S HOUSE: Could you tell us about your day, how it starts, what you do?

KELLIE-ANNE POIRIER: I go to school like anyone else! In my free time, I write music, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, and I play sports.

ARTIST'S HOUSE: Favorite food?


ARTIST'S HOUSE: Your plans for the future?

KELLIE-ANNE POIRIER: A music career ideally. If not, I’d like to be a doctor.

ARTIST'S HOUSE: Your biggest dream?

KELLIE-ANNE POIRIER: Influence and empower people with my music. In a positive way.

ARTIST'S HOUSE: What are you currently working on?

KELLIE-ANNE POIRIER: An EP. I have 15 songs written, 5 produced, and I need to work on a promo plan. All that needs money and I don’t, so I need to work with my own means.

ARTIST'S HOUSE: If you could share a stage with a star, who would it be and why?

KELLIE-ANNE POIRIER: Sia. Without any hesitations.

ARTIST'S HOUSE: Any advice for future artists?

KELLIE-ANNE POIRIER: Never give up on your dreams.

ARTIST'S HOUSE: What makes your heart sing?

KELLIE-ANNE POIRIER: It's an expression of a feeling or a situation. It’s both! I need something powerful that will bring emotions in me in order to write. It can be either a situation or a feeling. For example, my upcoming single talks about my move from Dubai to NYC. It’s a situation that brought feelings. And it inspired me to write. My single is called “Chance.” Watch this space!

JUNE 2018

Check out Kellie-Anne