Ab Van Hanegem & Christian Pilz

Galerie Gilla Lörcher

Berlin | Germany
Apr 29, 2023 - Jul 01, 2023

Galerie Gilla Loercher is very pleased to enrich the Gallery Weekend Berlin 2023 with the exhibition "Escaping the Dichotomy". The labyrinthine element in the incredibly detailed, finely chiseled drawings by Christian Pilz and the complex architecturally constructed structures in the works of the painter Ab van Hanegem make this exhibition extremely eventful.

Encountering these two very different and at the same time obviously related formal languages in one exhibition represents an inspiring challenge for the viewer, which they are best encountered actively. They will be able to wander endlessly through the works with their eyes.

In her text about the work of the draftsman Christian Pilz, Manuela O'Connell writes: "The abundance of details challenges the viewer to take a closer look. A technical ability is evident in his work, which does not suggest that the artist works with graphite in just one degree of hardness. With his precision, he opens up millennia-old culture and history to the viewer as a varied game of order and chaos that seems to continue ad infinitum in the drawing.”

"In my more recent works," writes Ab van Hanegem, "the spatiality is no longer clearly oriented towards the traditional perspective, i.e. horizon and vanishing point, but I use the isometric perspective much more. The dimensions in my work are difficult to identify. I focus on spatiality inspired by phenomena of topology, a branch of mathematics. My most recent works are mainly expressionist, with the material playing a greater role in the process of creation, but at the same time they are also architecturally constructed. For me these 'impossible structures' represent special fields, one could call them 'thinking spaces'. Fields that you can wander through endlessly, not only with your eyes but also mentally.”


Galerie Gilla Loercher is very pleased to enrich the Gallery Weekend Berlin 2023 with the exhibition "Escaping the Dichotomy". The labyrinthine element in the incredibly detailed, finely chiseled drawings by Christian Pilz and the complex architecturally constructed structures in the works of the painter Ab van Hanegem make this exhibition extremely eventful.

Encountering these two very different and at the same time obviously related formal languages in one exhibition represents an inspiring challenge for the viewer, which they are best encountered actively. They will be able to wander endlessly through the works with their eyes.

In her text about the work of the draftsman Christian Pilz, Manuela O'Connell writes: "The abundance of details challenges the viewer to take a closer look. A technical ability is evident in his work, which does not suggest that the artist works with graphite in just one degree of hardness. With his precision, he opens up millennia-old culture and history to the viewer as a varied game of order and chaos that seems to continue ad infinitum in the drawing.”

"In my more recent works," writes Ab van Hanegem, "the spatiality is no longer clearly oriented towards the traditional perspective, i.e. horizon and vanishing point, but I use the isometric perspective much more. The dimensions in my work are difficult to identify. I focus on spatiality inspired by phenomena of topology, a branch of mathematics. My most recent works are mainly expressionist, with the material playing a greater role in the process of creation, but at the same time they are also architecturally constructed. For me these 'impossible structures' represent special fields, one could call them 'thinking spaces'. Fields that you can wander through endlessly, not only with your eyes but also mentally.”


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Pohlstrasse 73 Berlin, Germany 10785

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