David Renggli: When I am in love I see orange / Loco naranja

Galería Casado Santapau

Madrid | Spain
Sep 14, 2023 - Oct 28, 2023

Casado Santapau is pleased to present David Renggli’s most recent work, opening for the first time in Spain.

His series of the Desire Paintings are already a priori inscribed with a poetic and humorous dimension by their location of the word ‘desire’ in the title.

These are medium to large format paintings of silhouette-like silhouettes and geometric forms on wood, framed in an object frame and covered on their upper edge with a coarse-meshed jute net. The fibrous jute fabric is also painted, which results in an overlapping of the motifs on different image planes. The spacing of these and the transparency of the coarse-meshed jute netting create an interesting optical effect as soon as the viewer moves in front of the work.

The artist detaches himself from the usually assumed relatively static way of looking at a painting and a processual moment is inscribed in it with the reception. Depending on the viewing angle, new visual experiences arise for the work. The artist thus dissolves the modernist dictum of the ideal (frontal) viewer location since both levels shift spatially against each other. The overlapping of the motifs creates new images and color effects.

Renggli employs the aesthetics of decorative design and craftsmanship, which he fuses with references to geometric abstraction. In doing so, he challenges the tradition and authority of abstract painting, which was adopted very early into the decorative canon of interior design.

The usually two-dimensional layout of a painting is extended by another plane, resulting in an impression reminiscent of a hybrid between painting and relief. In addition, the coarse-meshed jute fabric acts like a kind of burning glass, seeming to dissolve the color that supports it like a grid while at the same time revealing a view of the colored forms beneath.

In a figurative sense, Renggli’s works make use of the most diverse clichés of longing. His motifs spring from common stereotypes of (art) fantasies, notions of the idyllic and (tourist) places of longing. He breaks them up into their individual parts, reassembles them to let new, abstract images of aspiration emerge in the spaces thus created.

Casado Santapau is pleased to present David Renggli’s most recent work, opening for the first time in Spain.

His series of the Desire Paintings are already a priori inscribed with a poetic and humorous dimension by their location of the word ‘desire’ in the title.

These are medium to large format paintings of silhouette-like silhouettes and geometric forms on wood, framed in an object frame and covered on their upper edge with a coarse-meshed jute net. The fibrous jute fabric is also painted, which results in an overlapping of the motifs on different image planes. The spacing of these and the transparency of the coarse-meshed jute netting create an interesting optical effect as soon as the viewer moves in front of the work.

The artist detaches himself from the usually assumed relatively static way of looking at a painting and a processual moment is inscribed in it with the reception. Depending on the viewing angle, new visual experiences arise for the work. The artist thus dissolves the modernist dictum of the ideal (frontal) viewer location since both levels shift spatially against each other. The overlapping of the motifs creates new images and color effects.

Renggli employs the aesthetics of decorative design and craftsmanship, which he fuses with references to geometric abstraction. In doing so, he challenges the tradition and authority of abstract painting, which was adopted very early into the decorative canon of interior design.

The usually two-dimensional layout of a painting is extended by another plane, resulting in an impression reminiscent of a hybrid between painting and relief. In addition, the coarse-meshed jute fabric acts like a kind of burning glass, seeming to dissolve the color that supports it like a grid while at the same time revealing a view of the colored forms beneath.

In a figurative sense, Renggli’s works make use of the most diverse clichés of longing. His motifs spring from common stereotypes of (art) fantasies, notions of the idyllic and (tourist) places of longing. He breaks them up into their individual parts, reassembles them to let new, abstract images of aspiration emerge in the spaces thus created.

Artists on show

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Also available by appointment
Piamonte 10 Madrid, Spain 28004
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