David Renggli

Gallery Chez Valentin. Es widerspricht jeglicher mit anerzogenen logik dass, das N auf das M folgt. 2006. paper, post-it, plastic structure. 220 x 220 x 160 cm

Gallery Chez Valentin. Trophy of Logic. 2006. paper, post-it, plastic, metal. 68 cm (diameter)

Over the last few decades, Swiss art has been recognised for its sense of irony, served as a reaction to the reputation of a country where precision, seriousness and rigour is key.

’s distinctive and uncanny oeuvre is no exception, which consists of slapstick sculptures, large-scale installations that conjure the surreal and absurd and, melancholic still-life photography
. Ambiguity and instability plays a big part within RENGGLI’s artistic and aesthetic world. Through the transformation of everyday household objects and low-grade materials, his works strike a balance between surrealism and precision.

was born in Zurich, Switzerland where he continues to live and work.

found via todayandtomorrow.net

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